Williams County Bids Top North Dakota State Lease Sale
Eight tracts in Williams County drew the highest bids — all from Northern Energy Corp. of Bismarck — as the Nov. 5 state oil and gas lease sale brought in total bonuses of $873,392, with bids averaging $92.45 an acre for leases on 9447 acres.
An 80-acre tract in Sec. 34, T158N-R96W posted the highest bid of $663/acre from Northern, followed by a $521/acre bid for 80 acres in Sec. 27, T158N-R96W.
Northern Energy also paid $421/acre for 77 acres in Sec. 6, T158N-R96W, and $403/acre for 160 acres in Sec. 16, T159N-R96W.
Bids averaged $372/acre in Williams County, with total bonuses of $356,251.
Billings County bids averaged $88/acre, with total bonuses paid of $365,882 for leases on 4,149 acres.
Norra Resources LLC of Bismarck posted the highest bid, paying $36/acre for 40acres in Sec. 26, T144N-R98W, followed by a $226/acre bid for 80 acres in Sec. 26, T144N-R98W from Kaleb Dasinger of Grapevine, TX.
The third highest bid was $223/acre by Petro-Hunt LLC for 80 acres in Sec. 22, T144N-R98W.
Northern Energy was high bidder for several tracts in Billings County, paying $201/acre for 80 acres in Sec. 36, T142N-R36W and $191/acre for 80 acres in Sec. 36, T142N-R100W.
In McKenzie County, bonuses totaled $109,695 with bids averaging $41/acre for leases on 2,652 acres.
Lynx Oil Company of Denver posted the highest bid of $512/acre for 7.47 acres in Sec. 18, T146N-R98W.
Northern Oil and Gas Inc. of Minneapolis posted a high bid of $501/acre for 5.5 acres in Sec. 18, T146N-R98W, and also paid $370/acre for 80 acres in Sec. 8, T146N-R98W.
Burke County saw bids averaging $23/acre, with bonuses totaling $34,602 for leases on 1,447 acres.
Norra Resources was the high bidder, paying $206/acre for two tracts totaling 12 acres in Sec. 29, T162N-R29W. Northern Energy paid $122/acre for 40 acres in Sec. 24, T162N-R92W, and it also paid $101/acre for 40 acres in Sec. 23, T162N-R92W.
Northern Energy was high bidder for the three 80-acre tracts in Divide County, located in Sections 16, 19, and 21, T163N-R97W, with bonuses averaging $29/acre totaling $7,040 for leases on 240 acres.